If you're looking to purchase a new horse saddle for your horse, there's a lot to think about. You need to find something that fits the horse's body size, not just aesthetically but also ergonomically. Some horses are built differently than other horses, so it's important that you choose a saddle that will fit them comfortably and make them feel safe while riding.

Make sure your saddle adheres to the horse's body size

This means finding a western saddle that fits your horse's dimensions, but also making sure it doesn't feel too big or small in any one place. For example, if you have a short-coupled horse who has a high withers and narrow chest, then an extra wide saddle will be uncomfortable for them. On the other hand if you have an old warmblood who's overgrown with muscle mass on top of his frame (and thus has relatively little room between his back legs), then he may need a more snug fit than what would work for someone else with similar dimensions.

The best way to ensure you're getting the right fit is to have your saddle maker measure your horse's body and tailor-make a saddle for him. However, if you don't have access to one of those then a good rule of thumb is that the stirrup leathers should be able to touch each other when you place them on top of your horse's back (not behind his withers).

If they don't touch each other, then you can move the stirrup leathers up or down until they do. If your horse has a high-withered back (like many warmbloods), then you may need to move your stirrup leathers down so that they're resting on top of his withers rather than behind them—this will help keep him comfortable when he's working hard and prevent sore spots from developing in his shoulders as well as reduce pressure on his poll.

Don't buy cheap saddles

You can buy a cheap saddle, and it will break after a few months or years. You can also buy a cheap saddle, and it will break after a few decades.

So why would you want to do this? Well, because there are so many options out there in terms of quality and price range (and even if there aren't any options available at all), we wanted to give our customers some insight into what they need when looking for their next horse tack purchase!

First of all, it's important to know that a saddle is not something you want to cheap out on. When you're looking for a new saddle, don't just look at what the price is; look at the quality of materials and construction as well. Even if you're only going to ride your horse once in a while (and not every day), you still need to invest in good equipment that will last him or her many years.

Make sure you choose a saddle that fits your horse's needs

When you're shopping for a saddle, it's important to take into account the specific needs of your horse. If your horse is tall and thin and has wide hips, then a deep-padded seat may work best for him. If he's short and stocky with wide shoulders, however, then he might need more room in his hip area so that he doesn't experience pain when galloping around on his back.

If you've got any doubt about whether or not something will fit correctly on your horse--or if there are any other factors (such as age or weight) that may come into play--then don't worry about trying them out! Instead just ask yourself: "What kind of riding do I want from this saddle?"

Choose western saddles for riders with short stirrups

Short stirrups are more comfortable for riders with short legs, arms, necks and backs.

  • Riders with short legs that sit on their horses' hips can benefit from short stirrup lengths. Their lower body is further away from the horse's chest than it would be in a taller rider's case. This allows them to stay in position better since they don't have to worry about kicking their heels out of the way when moving around on horseback or leaning forward at awkward angles during jumps and showmanship exercises.

  • Short stirrups also make it easier for smaller framed riders because their feet will be closer together under the saddle when using them (versus long ones). This means that if you're small framed yourself then these may work best for your riding style! If not then maybe try something else instead?

You can purchase a quality saddle that will last you for years.

When buying a new saddle, you will want to consider two things: the horse's needs and your own.

You can purchase a quality saddle that will last you for years. However, if you are looking for something that is more comfortable on your horse then opt for western saddles instead of dressage or jumping ones because they have wider padded areas and are made specifically for those types of riding styles. Your horse should also be able to carry weight evenly across its back before purchasing one as well (this means purchasing no less than two inches in width between each shoulder blade).

If this sounds like too much work then there's no need! Buy one online today at Amazon where we guarantee 100% satisfaction or return within 30 days!


With so many saddles on the market today, it can be difficult to decide which one will work best for your horse. There are many factors that should be considered when making this choice, including whether or not your horse has sensitive skin or wants a lightweight saddle. It's also important that you know exactly what type of riding style you prefer before purchasing any new equipment for yourself or your horse - because everyone needs different things from their saddle!

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